Saturday, August 10, 2013



Normally people start their Blog with an introduction…..but, before that,  I have already posted some. As I am new to the food blog, I am just completely excited!!! 

I’ve been blogging before, where I have put in my share and ideas. Then
I stopped for a while to have a thorough study of food blogs. Everything seems to be the same…..only the presentation was different.

Now, I really want to do something more regular here.  I have to confess that I need a little welcome as well. That is because starting today, I am new to the food blog too. I love to experiment and intend to provide recipes and techniques for the foods that promote health and vitality. It is to be seen how this will develop over time, but this is my intent at the present moment.

"Diet is Health, Diet is Medicine"

Nature has provided a variety of food items but instead of taking the same in their natural form, we add unwanted spices to get aroma and flavour. A food labelled "natural" is usually considered to contain less preservatives and chemical additives but there are some surprising ingredients lurking in your all natural health foods.
"Chew Long…. Live Long…. Cure Long"

We all realize that we have to eat to live, but too little of the right kinds of food can lead to poor health. The use of saturated animal fat, cholesterol, salt, sugar and refined carbohydrates-low in fiber, is bad for health and is implicated in the development of serious medical conditions.
Diet and exercise are the most sustainable approach to life-long wellness, be receptive to useful change, be intentional in implementing life-enhancing actions. Choose foods that are light, warm, and less spicy. Junk foods contains lots of calories which add unwanted extra fat in the body. Try to eat healthy and ignore junk food items.

Two White Poisons: Salt and Sugar

Salt is considered as a mineral poison and according to experts, salt is not at all necessary for either life or health. The human body requires two grams of salt per day and that can be obtained from fifty grams of vegetables! Salty food should be avoided in order to get a fat belly it will help in minimizing retention of water.

Ayurveda and naturopathy recommend avoidance of sugar- a sweet poison-from diet. Avoid heavy oily and processed sugars, which are detrimental to Kaphas. Honey and fruits can substitute sugar.

"Eat to Live or Live to Eat"

Most of the physical and mental ailments are due to the consumption of cooked food. It is advisable to go for raw food in comparison to cooked for the betterment of health. Compared to fried-boiled vegetables, unprocessed vegetables and their juices give much more nutrition and vitality. Cooking destroys vitamins, enzymes and minerals contained in food grains, vegetables and fruits. Through experiments, it has proved that raw food is digested within 3-4 hours, whereas cooked food takes 
5-6 hours.

Keeping all these in mind, my focus will primarily, be upon nutrition, real food, and the way in which our twenty-first century life-style and culture impact health. 
Voice your opinions in the comment section or through a private message. I would really love to know what you would like to see for this blog, what works, what doesn’t work, etc. 
I hope that you will enjoy exploring the HEALTHY & TASTY with me in the coming months.
There is still a lot from
“Healthy and Tasty -
to all
Food - for Health -  Lovers”
-Sukumar Achnath

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